Chelmsford Business working together

The Town of Chelmsford has been ranked highly as a place to live and to conduct business by national magazines and reputable organizations. Some examples include:


  • Chelmsford ranked 21st out of 100 Best Places to Live in Money Magazine’s “2007 Best Places to Live - Top 100 [Towns List]”. more...
  • Chelmsford is designated as “BIOREADY” by Massachusetts Biotechnology Council. Chelmsford has a silver BioReady™ status. more...
  • Middlesex County, where Chelmsford is located, is ranked among the top 5 regions for NANOTECHNOLOGY businesses- The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies ranked Middlesex County, which includes Chelmsford, as one of the top five regions for nanotechnology business, research and education clusters. more...
  • Chelmsford ranked 19th out of 351 cities, by the Massachusetts High Tech Council, in a rating of how "high tech friendly" 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts are. more...
  • Chelmsford was Voted #2 in the “Top 10 list of Most Affordable Cities in the Northeast.” Chelmsford was identified by and Sperling's Best Places to Live. This “Most Affordable Cities…” ranking was based on criteria including: better-than-average schools, lower-than-average crime rates, a manageable commute, and home prices.


Chelmsford Gets it done