Chelmsford’s proactive business environment offers an outstanding climate for starting and growing a business. The Town is an active participant in Massachusetts’ Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP). The EDIP is a 3-way partnership of the state, a municipality within an Economic Target Area (ETA) and a growing company.




Our Business and Economic Development Partners Chelmsford gets it done


View List of Partners



"As Manager of Student & Corporate Outreach at Boston University Metropolitan College, I am so pleased with our North Campus location at 100 Apollo Drive in Chelmsford. We offer a part-time Master of Science in Computer Science at this location. It was critical that we offer this program in proximity of routes 3, 495 and 129 to accommodate the many professionals who work at technology companies north of Boston.”

Holly C. Adorno — Manager, Student & Corporate Outreach
Boston University Metropolitan College & Extended Education



Quote from Airvana’s V.P. of RN Access Technology:


"The greatest thing about Chelmsford is its location. When we have people coming in from out of town to do business with us, we know they have a comfortable place to stay, with access to all the amenities — restaurants, recreation, entertainment and all the major highways. Boston is also just 30 minutes away."

Mark Miner — V.P., RN Access Engineering Airvana Mobile Broadband
19 Alpha Road • Chelmsford, MA


Airvana provides mobile broadband services, Airvana began as a small startup company in 2001 with fewer than 100 employees. Today, Airvana employs about 550.

KEY Industry Clusters - As one of the critical employment centers in the Merrimack Valley, Chelmsford shares a region-wide focus on several business sectors that the Merrimack Valley Economic Development Council refers to as “Smart Companies.” Together these industry clusters continue to take advantage of the strategic location, strength of workforce, and tradition of leadership in homeland security, communication technology innovation and biotechnology.

more ...


These three companies located in Chelmsford, Hittite Microwave, Zoll Medical and Airvana, were designated as Globe 100 Companies in the Boston Globe ranking of top companies for their innovation, growth and as great places to work.


Living and Community The town of Chelmsford makes it a priority to balance commerce and community. The diverse community offers a variety of recreational and cultural activities. The town has a mix of housing and living situations, including many residential neighborhoods. Chelmsford is conveniently located near University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Middlesex Community College, Lowell General Hospital and Saints Medical Center. more...

More at Town of Chelmsford's web site...

View Chelmsford Public Schools web site...


Chelmsford Public Library – Technical Skills Share Group




THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION is comprised of a dedicated group of professionals, Michael Kowalyk (Chair), Janet Askenburg, Anthony Del Papa, Brad Marmo, David Morey, Joseph Ready and Laura Schweizer.
Town officials including Paul Cohen (Town Manager) and Evan Belansky (Community Development Director) are actively involved. Ad hoc committee members from our State delegation include: Senator Susan Fargo and State Representatives: Mr. Tom Golden, Mr. James Arciero and Ms. Cory Atkins.


The Economic Development Commission's efforts include, but are not limited to:

  • Understanding the needs of prospective businesses opening/relocating to Chelmsford
  • Working with town and town committees, including zoning, planning, and historical
  • Chelmsford businesses survey
  • Roundtable meetings with commercial realtors and businesses
  • Collaborating with local and regional business organizations
  • Participating in industry associations